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11 Plus Maths Tutors
in London

We help your child prepare for 11+ Maths Exams with a personalised learning approach and expert 11+ Maths tutors in London.
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Unrivalled Online 11 Plus Maths Tuition in London!

Sitting the competitive 11 Plus Maths entrance exams can seem an intimidating prospect for students and their parents, and it can be tough to find brilliant 11 plus Maths tutors.
Parents want to ensure that their children will not only ace their exams but secure admission to a grammar school.

Online 11+ Maths tutors in London at Adnan Khan Tutoring understand what it takes to prepare the child for these exams.
A comprehensive range of 11 Plus Math practice papers and lessons is provided for your child, to ensure that their learning abilities are tested and developed.

Choosing the Online 11 Plus Maths tuition in London by Adnan Khan Tutoring will be the perfect option for your child’s 11 Plus preparation.

Our experienced 11 Plus Maths tutors plan out the tailored approach to produce excellent results

At Adnan Khan Tutoring, you will enjoy:

Unlimited access to the 11 Plus courses

Tech Savvy and flexible online platform

Inexpensive courses and membership plans

One-to-one and online group classes

Guidance and support to help parents

Smooth tracking of child's progress

How are our 11 Plus Maths
helpful for your child’s 11 plus
entrance exam preparation?

Adnan Khan Tutoring provides competitive 11 Plus Maths tests online. These tests are designed to cover a range of 11 plus Maths past papers and 11 plus Maths worksheets taught by well qualified and experienced 11+ Maths tutors in London.

How are our 11 Plus Maths
helpful for your child’s 11 plus
entrance exam preparation?

Adnan Khan Tutoring provides competitive 11 Plus Maths tests online. These tests are designed to cover a range of 11 plus Maths past papers and 11 plus Maths worksheets taught by well qualified and experienced 11+ Maths tutors in London.

Supportive Learning Environment

Children perform better when they’re supported and motivated. 11 Plus Maths Tutors at Adnan Khan tutoring provide academic and moral support to their students to ensure that students feel encouraged and welcomed.

One-to-One Tutoring Setup

For the students who have stage fright and are hesitant, Adnan Khan Tutoring provides them with online one-to-one tuition. The main focus of these sessions is to ensure that the skills of your child required for 11 plus maths are enhanced.

11 Plus Maths Syllabus

The online tests cover every topic for acing the 11 Plus exams. The team of qualified tutors for 11 Plus maths has been commendable, making Adnan Khan tutoring a renowned name for 11 Plus Maths tuition over the past 20 years.

Regularly Updated Online Resources

The lessons on the online platform are kept up to date complying with the latest changes in the 11 plus Maths curriculum to ensure that your child is prepared for the final exams of 11 Plus Maths.

How do we ensure the quality of 11 Plus Maths tuition in London?

Adnan Khan Tutoring has experience of more than 20 years with expert online 11+ Maths tutors in London, helping students with their 11 Plus exams over the years. To make studying easier for your child, 11 plus maths tuition has been divided into years 4 and 5.

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Advanced Learning Methods
The improved teaching methods and approaches are the key to producing outstanding results. Especially for online tuition, Adnan Khan Tutoring has introduced a hi-tech online learning platform, making the experience smooth and hassle free.

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11 Plus Maths Year 4 Tuition
11 Plus Maths Year 4 classification aims to start 11 plus preparation with basic or fundamental 11 plus Maths topics.It develops the basic core skills required before moving on to the next level. It’s an important year as far as 11 plus preparation is concerned.

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11 Plus Maths Year 5 Tuition
11 Plus Maths Year 5 covers a little more complex lessons and 11 plus Maths questions. Your child will find them intriguing and fun as they would have already developed the core mathematical skills in 11 Plus Maths Year 4 required in year 5.

Our results show our progress over the years. Parents and teachers across the UK recommend us. If you’re searching for an “11 Plus Maths tutor near me“, look no further as we are the right choice to further your child’s education.

Lessons Covered In 11 Plus Maths Tuition

The Maths lessons included in the KS2 years are designed to cover concepts from basics to advanced level. Students are provided with every possible tool they need to perform exceptionally in their 11 plus Maths tests.


A wide range of questions based on arithmetic is provided to students so they may practise their Maths lessons.
11 Plus Maths tutors help students to understand difficult concepts and provide guidance where needed


Fractions are an important area of Maths. A wide range of fraction-related lessons is developed to enhance your child’s understanding of this key area.
There are online tests available to assess the understanding of students related to the topics of 11 Plus Maths.


Probability and ratios are also the core topics of maths. The probability lessons are based on fractions, decimals or percentages. The online practice tests for 11 Plus Maths are an easy way to assess a student’s progress and to provide adequate feedback to the parents.

Number Sequence

Number sequence and pattern is yet another important 11 plus Maths lesson. Attractive and engaging graphics are used for showing number sequences and missing numbers in tests. Questions are asked through quizzes and in simple language, making the experience more interactive.

Word problems

11 Plus Maths words problems are intriguing. Your child’s analytical and problem-solving skills are assessed through word problems in the 11 plus maths exam. The online 11 plus maths tutors ensure that the concepts are perfectly clear to students so that they can confidently solve the word problems.


It is one of the toughest branch mathematical skills. It is highly complex and to ensure that your child is well versed in solving the fundamental algebraic problems, the tutors provide guidance in live sessions, to students so that they can easily handle the topic in their 11 Plus Maths final exams.

How can our 11 Plus Maths tutors improve your child’s core mathematical skills?

Our experienced 11+ Maths tutors in London not only prepare your child for the final 11 Plus exams but also help the students develop strong communication skills and boost their confidence.

  • Assessment Tests

    We take online assessment tests beforehand to identify the child’s weak areas in Maths, allowing tutors to develop a tailored plan that focuses on areas for improvement

  • Challenging Questions formats

    Students are asked to answer the questions that challenge them to think out of the box and work out the answer. The questions formats are easy for students to understand the problem.

  • Regular Online Sessions

    For supporting and guiding the parents, regular sessions are conducted on different topics that help parents understand the academia so that they can help children at home

  • Improved Teaching Techniques

    Online tuition comes with advanced methods that help students learn lessons quickly. The pedagogical approach of tutors is updated to meet the challenging requirement of the 11+ maths curriculum.

How can our 11 Plus Maths tutors improve your child’s core mathematical skills?

Our experienced 11+ Maths tutors in London not only prepare your child for the final 11 Plus exams but also help the students develop strong communication skills and boost their confidence.

  • Assessment Tests

    We take online assessment tests beforehand to identify the child’s weak areas in Maths, allowing tutors to develop a tailored plan that focuses on areas for improvement.

  • Challenging Questions formats

    Students are asked to answer the questions that challenge them to think out of the box and work out the answer. The questions formats are easy for students to understand the problem.

  • Regular Online Sessions

    For supporting and guiding the parents, regular sessions are conducted on different topics that help parents understand the academia so that they can help children at home.

  • Improved Teaching Techniques

    Online tuition comes with advanced methods that help students learn lessons quickly. The pedagogical approach of tutors is updated to meet the challenging requirement of the 11+ maths curriculum.

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Membership Plan

Online tuition is affordable for parents as compared to private tuition. The online 11 Plus Maths course offered by Adnan Khan tutoring comes with feasible membership plans and affordable pricing.

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